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membangkit batang terendam

mix media installation
dimensions: 90x150cm

"Membangkit Batang Terendam" (Rising Submerged Stems) is a mixed media artwork consisting of eight canvases interconnected by a series of tangled yellow strings. The title derives from an Indonesian proverb meaning "to bring up something that has been long gone," encompassing elements such as people, history, or names.

The artwork explores the relationship between two family names of the artist—'Hasan,' an Indonesian name, and 'Huang 黃,' a Chinese name. 'Hasan' is deeply familiar as it appears on the artist's birth certificate, while 'Huang' remains somewhat alien due to its infrequent use. This interplay of familiarity and foreignness is visually represented by the entangled strings, symbolizing the gradual fading of the Chinese name from the artist's identity.

© Kenenza Michiko 

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