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ibu, ini rumah tangga masa depan
mix media installation
dimensions: various in size

'ibu, ini rumah tangga masa depan' (mother, this is the household of the future) is a work-in-progress towards understanding the history of being a woman in Indonesia through the iconic figure, Ibu R.A. Kartini. The iconic figure that plays a big part of many Indonesian women growing up, setting up the role and expectations of a woman in the society.

Exploring the idea of the domestic from expectations of Indonesian women that can only be at dapur, sumur, kasur (kitchen, bed, and well) in the household. Understanding the time and space of the connections between the past and the present of the history.  Kenenza is looking at how the portrayal of Ibu R.A. Kartini impacts modern Indonesian women in society. 

Stairs that symbolizes hope for a more progressive future, Kenenza trying to de-tangle the history behind Ibu R.A. Kartini, before taking the next step to the new future of Indonesian women.

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